Susan Bach Foundation Zurich

The Susan Bach Foundation supports research projects in the field of analytical psychology (C.G. Jung) that deal with psychosomatic problems, synchronistic phenomena and their creative expression from a variety of academic perspectives.

We support the following types of projects in these areas:

  • Private and institutional research projects
  • Preferably small and medium-sized institutions and projects with strong personal commitment
  • Events, congresses and workshops/seminars


The Susan Bach Foundation was founded in Zurich by Susan Bach (1902 – 1995) in 1990. The foundation’s mission is to support and promote research into the interaction between psyche and matter, in particular psychosomatic and synchronistic phenomena (C.G. Jung).



As a charitable foundation, we are bound to act in accordance with our statutes and with the guiding principles of our founder. The foundation board is currently composed of seven members, all of whom have a particular connection to the analytical psychology of C.G. Jung.

Katharina Casanova (lic. phil.) has been president of the foundation since 2015. Alongside the president and the treasurer, the board has five further members who give their time on a voluntary basis.

The foundation is overseen by the Canton of Zurich supervisory board for foundations (BVS).


Katharina Casanova, lic.phil., Zurich, President

Franziska Lang-Schmid, lic.oec.publ., Treasurer

Hansruedi Bauer, Zurich

Brigitte Cuperus, Küsnacht


Yvonne Meixner, B.Sc., Uster

Andreas Michel, Dr.phil., Küsnacht

Brigit Wiesmann, Küsnacht, Administration



Susan Bach Foundation
c/o ISAP Zurich
Stampfenbachstrasse 115
8006 Zurich

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